How to start writting a journal?


“I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn.” – Anne Frank

Do you know how to start a journal? If you are new to journaling, this is the question you all need answers for. Perhaps you are wondering where to start. Congratulations! you are in the right place. The answer is very simple. You do you. Don’t believe me? Read this blog post till the end. You will get answers to all of your questions.

Why do we need a journal?

A journal is simply a notebook that we use to write down our thoughts. It is inexpensive, portable and customizable. It is good for many reasons. It has so many benefits. Here are some of them.

  • A safe and private space for you to vent, emotionally and mentally.
  • an easy and accessible way to release mental clutter.
  • a process of deep listening to yourself, leading you to get to know yourself better.
  • an effective way of handling and reducing stress.
  • helps you to communicate and improve the way you express yourself.
  • Something you can use to prepare and evaluate your day
  • A system that allows you to track your progress and see concrete evidence of improvement.

What are the supplies you need?

You need a pen and a paper. Any pen and paper will work. DO NOT SPEND A LOT OF MONEY OVER STATIONARY AT THE BEGINNING. All of the beautiful supplies we see on YouTube and Instagram are not necessary. Journal for a while with what you have till you find your style and things that work for you and things that do not work for you. Buy cheaper supplies so you don’t need to worry about wasting money. Later, you can buy an expensive one.

I suggest you buy a small-sized notebook because it is easy to carry around wherever you go. Make your journal as portable as possible. Any pen would work. Don’t use a pencil to write because it will fade after some time. Decorate pages as you like. Paste pictures if you want to. If you like to keep the journal in a digital format, simply do it on a MS word or Google doc.

How to start a journal?

There are many types of journals.

  • Diary
  • Art journal
  • Junk journal
  • Anime journal ,K-pop journal (Themed journals)
  • Most common type is Bullet Journal.

First you need to decide which type of journal that you are going to write. If you want you can combine a few types together. My Journal is a mixed one. First, I started to write a diary but later I added habit trackers, monthly calendars and so on. In my opinion there is no right or wrong way to write a journal. It is very customizable.

What to write?

“Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.” – William Wordsworth

The simplest answer is your thoughts. Write your thoughts. There are zero moments that we spend without thinking. Always we have something to think about. They can be either good or wasteful thoughts. No matter what, you can write them in your journal. Record your daily activities. What you did, where did you go, who did you meet, what did you eat and so on. All the what, when, who, why, how questions need to be answered. At the end of a year you have your autobiography.

Still struggling? Writing prompts are a simple and effective way to access topics to write about.

List of things you can write in your journal

1) What is one thing that you hope to achieve or accomplish this year?

2) What are three things that bring joy in your life?

3) Describe a moment from today that you want to remember always.

4) Who was the last person to make you laugh? What did they do or say?

5) Describe one recent dream that you have had.

6) Have you ever felt trapped or suffocated?

7) What is your favorite meal to cook and why?

8) What is your relationship like with your siblings?

9) How do you feel about the dark?

10) How do you usually respond to conflicts and confrontations?

11) Who are the people you spend the most time with these days and why?

12) What are 3 things from the past month that you are happy about?

13) What are 3 things from the past month that have been hard?

14) The place I visit when I need to gain perspective

15) Write about a relationship you would like to improve, either at home or work

16) What kind of day would you like to have tomorrow?

17) How would you describe yourself?

18) Ten things you learned in the past year

19) Are you patient?

20) Best advice you received recently.

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Your journal depends on your likes and needs only. You do you. If you are not satisfied with your pages you can tear the pages, collage over them or glue the pages together. It is all right to make mistakes. Entries can be as long or short as you want them to be.

When and Where?

Journaling is not a ritual. There is no exact time or place to write a journal. But it’s good to set up a routine and do it on a daily basis. Practice makes you perfect as well as it makes habits. If you are a busy person, setting up a routine is better. The ideal time is the moment when you are least distracted. It can be morning as soon as you get up, at night before you go to bed or in the middle of the day between small breaks you have. Find the right time for you when you can concentrate well. Think about the quietness as well. Some people need silence in order to concentrate but some people can focus more in public spaces with background noise and conversations going on.

“I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn.” – Anne Frank

Journaling is something enjoyable. Don’t force yourself to write when you don’t feel. Enjoy while you write. It should make you feel relaxed. If not, don’t push yourself to it. Make sure you hide your journal properly. It is your private space. No one other than you can read it till you allow someone.




